Leicester is blessed with an array of wonderful business networking events. I hope this list of links is useful for others!
Business Networking
Summer of Love(ly events and people)
I've had a lovely summer working with some amazing people and I only recently realised that I've not had the time to...
Why persistence is the key to successful networking
If you go to a networking event and run around the room handing business cards to everyone and only giving them a token level of attention, they’ll remember that you made them feel insignificant.
Would you do business with someone that made you feel insignificant?
By attending networking events regularly and connecting with the same faces on an ongoing basis, you can build a cheerleading squad for your business, but only if you make people feel valued.
7 things no one tells you about freelancing
During my years of providing business advice to start-ups, I realised that a lot of the things that I took for granted weren’t obvious to those just starting up. In recent years that seems to have exasperated as my TikTok feed is full of people giving out incredibly bad, unrealistic advice.
So here’s my reality check for you.
11 funky venues for summer one-to-ones around Leicestershire
You’ve attended some networking events, made some great connections, and now it’s time to really get to know those people. It’s time for you to book in a one-to-one. Find your perfect venue here!
Business Networking in Leicestershire: Introducing Countryside Connect
If you're a regular reader of this blog you'll know that I'm a huge fan of networking. I've written blogs about why...
Market Harborough Business Networking February 2023
A brief write-up and some photos from the Market Harborough Business Network meeting that took place on 10th February 2023.
7 benefits of attending network events
Last week I wrote a beginner’s guide to how to get the most out of networking events, but what I didn’t talk about is why you should attend. Some of the benefits are obvious, while others are less so. If you’re a freelancer or small business owner, here are some things you might not have thought about.
7 tips for newbies to networking
Like the idea of networking but find the thought of walking into a room of strangers a little intimidating? That’s perfectly normal! Click through to find out what to expect and how best to preare.
What happens in a room full of neurodiverse people?
Coverage of the ND Leaders 02 event at Wunderman Thompson in London.
List of Networking Events in Northampton & Northamptonshire
My list of networking events in Leicester & Leicestershire proved incredibly popular, and as I’m now branching out into Northampton & Northamptonshire, I thought I’d repeat the trick!
Business Networking in Leicestershire
Click here if you wish to go directly to the full gallery of images from the evening. It feels like an age since I was...