Introducing The Simple Shoot
Recently, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the way the world is changing. A lot of this has been fuelled by the fact that I’m now working on a freelance basis in the world of A.I., and I’m getting a bit of an insight into the way the world is...
List of Networking Events in Leicester & Leicestershire
Networking Events in Leicester & Leicestershire This page is constantly updated and isn’t comprehensive. For any events I’ve missed, drop me an email and I’ll add them ASAP, likewise for any corrections. All details were correct to the best of my...
Why your business will benefit from YOU being YOU online
After nearly twenty years of social media being a thing, those of us who’ve been online all that time have seen everything. The scams, the memes, the inspirational posts, the toxic positivity, the inauthentic advice, and the pandering to trends. And lots of small...