Recently, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the way the world is changing. A lot of this has been fuelled by the fact that I’m now working on a freelance basis in the world of A.I., and I’m getting a bit of an insight into the way the world is heading.
Prior to this, I had some concerns about running a photography business in a world of ever-developing technology. I’ve been monitoring the threats to the industry for a while, and it became clear to me that not every photographer is going to be able to create a full-time career. There is a lot of competition in the photography world, the barriers to entry are getting lower, and it’s possible to learn the craft a lot quicker than it was twenty years ago.
Throw in the fact that a lot of people have cameras of reasonable quality in their pockets, it seems that photographs – and photography – are becoming more and more disposable.

Now don’t get me wrong (I can hear fellow photographers screaming at me through the screen!) – there is, and will always be, a place for premium studio imagery. There will always be a place for premium photographers, creating premium experiences. There will always be a place for photographers who take pride in their art.
And it’s not all bad news, either. With the addition of new A.I.-powered apps and features in market-leading software like Lightroom and Photoshop, my workflow has never been slicker. Jobs that previously took hours of painstaking work – for example, removing a complex distraction from an image – now take only a few clicks. Combine that with my years of experience and understanding of composition, colour, and contextual understanding, and it’s never been easier to be efficient.
But- and it’s a big but- there is a limited customer base. And there are – literally – hundreds of photographers in every major city.
So I have accepted that photography, while remaining a passion, will likely not be more than a side hustle for me going forward.

With this in mind, I decided to create a new service that was designed for the people that I personally want to work with. The creatives, the artists, the freelancers, the small business owners that are just starting out or still in the growth stage. I know you haven’t got money to burn. But I also know that you need something a little bit better than a mobile phone photo to present a professional image online.
So I stripped the business back, stripped my offering back, and now I present one simple option: The Simple Shoot.
One hour. £99.
Available at a time that suits you, it uses natural light only. Not only does that reduce the time faffing with lighting stands, but natural light will always give a better look.
It’s a location shoot. In your house, garden, a local park, hotel, co-working space, airport, field, country lane, car park… wherever you want. Not sure about suitable locations? Let’s have a chat beforehand and I can suggest some for you.
So that’s it.
Simple. Affordable. Professional.
Want to know more? Check out The Simple Shoot here, or book a free discovery call here, now.